"I must listen to the gospel. It tells me not what I must do, but what Jesus Christ the Son of God has done for me"
IMMANUEL LUTHERAN - Rockwell City, IA - TRINITY LUTHERAN - Manson, IASunday Services
Immanuel Lutheran – – – – Rockwell City
3010 270th Street
Rockwell City, Iowa 50579
Service 8:45 AM
Sunday School 10 AM
Trinity Lutheran – Knierim
3335 220th Street
Manson, Iowa 50563
Mail: P.O. Box 304, Knierim, Iowa 50552
Service 10:45 AM
About Us
We are Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rockwell City, Iowa and Trinity Lutheran Church, Knierim, Iowa. We are “Churches In The Country”. We are sister congregations of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. We have been joined together, as a dual parish, since August of 2003; walking together in the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and peace. Our pastor is the Reverend Chadric A. Dietrich, who has shepherded our two congregations since the time we were joined together.